Live music again at last: band Shiver delights Coldplay fans

Plettenberg. Finally live music again! Despite persistent drizzle, a good 70 music fans did not miss this pleasure on Thursday evening (July 8) on the town hall forecourt. And the Coldplay tribute band Shiver was bubbling over with enthusiasm for playing, since it was their first gig after the long forced break from Corona.

Live music again at last: band Shiver delights Coldplay fans 1
Coldplay is one of the world’s most successful bands of the 2000s. The professional musicians of Shiver cover the extensive repertoire of the formation around frontman Chris Martin. This also includes that singer, keyboardist and guitarist Sven talks to the audience exclusively in English. The people of Plettenberg celebrated gratefully to songs like Clocks, Viva la Vida and the latest hit Higher Power. Despite the corona-appropriate checkerboard seating of the town hall forecourt with large distances, there was a good atmosphere.
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