Loud, passionate and legendary: Der Udonaut & Die Paniker celebrate Udo Lindenberg!

Das Udo Lindenberg Tribute Orchester

Loud, passionate and legendary: Der Udonaut & Die Paniker celebrate Udo Lindenberg! 1
The Udonaut and the Panics are the Udo Lindenberg Tribute Show.
“You close your eyes and you are sure: it MUST be Udo Lindenberg, who sings”: That was the reaction of a Udo fan after a concert of “Der Udonaut & die Paniker”. And Udo Lindenberg pianist Jean-Jacques Kravetz said that vocally it could also be the real Udo swinging the microphone and “the band has what it takes to become the new panic orchestra.”
With these references they are now on their way to your city to unscrew the hall and club ceilings of the colorful republic of Germany! The Udonaut and the panics bring the typical Lindenberg sound across powerfully and authentically, so that you don’t hear any difference to the original. The lyrics are program when the drummer rocks off like a madman and the guy on the bass plays like someone from the afterlife. The troupe hits you with the greatest Udo Lindenberg songs of the last few decades.
Speaking of references:
Jörg Sander, guitarist of the Panikorchester said WINKING: “Wo ah, you guys are better than the original.” And Steffi Stephan, founding member and bassist of the legendary original Panikorchester, has tipped his hat with enthusiasm.
Homepage: www.die-paniker.de

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